Monday, 18 July 2011

Lakeside SwimFesT 2011

Last Sunday 17th July, we all entered a 3.8k open water race at lakeside,
seemed a good idea after a gallon of beer some months before. All 6 of us
swum, along with coach Roger, who had gone for a big swim curry the night
before. Non of us had swum this far before non stop in race conditions,
My team summary is as follows

Paul Oxley - told to take it easy, went out like a rocket and came back
looking like a radish

Melissa Dowell - had a bike crash the day before but put in a top shift

Paul Salmon - rockin and a rollin, not happy but swum well

Chris Swainsbury - shaky Dave overcame the cold to play a blinder

Angi Greneski - she was worried about the cold, Oh really ! Good job

Mike Longman - Well as forest gump would say " I just woke up one morning
and just swam n swam.......... "

Coach Rog - Let's just say the curry done its job !

On Thursday, we are going out to sea with a fisherman to be dropped in some
way out and then swim our way back to land, wish us luck we may be some

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