Friday, 22 July 2011

First Boat Swim

Last night we embarked on a sea swim to see how life was going to be for
real, in a few weeks time. We all met at Titchmarsh Marina, jumped
aboard the Misty Lady where Terry and Sue greeted us. We chugged and I mean
chugged out to Sea for around 30 minutes then Big Raj said, in the wind and
rain "come on get ready your in". So we all stripped ready for action and
1 by 1 jumped off and in we went, we all swam together for a while then Rog
stopped us pointed out the error of our ways, then sent us off again
swimming into a sparse open space. We swam for about 1hr 20 minutes,
practicing take overs and swimming all alone, pretty good fun really, but
maybe not for chuck, or should I say Salmon! We ended the night with a
nice hot curry at the Riverside Earls Colne.

Chris having a close encounter!

Melissa showing us what we should be doing:

Monday, 18 July 2011

Lakeside SwimFesT 2011

Last Sunday 17th July, we all entered a 3.8k open water race at lakeside,
seemed a good idea after a gallon of beer some months before. All 6 of us
swum, along with coach Roger, who had gone for a big swim curry the night
before. Non of us had swum this far before non stop in race conditions,
My team summary is as follows

Paul Oxley - told to take it easy, went out like a rocket and came back
looking like a radish

Melissa Dowell - had a bike crash the day before but put in a top shift

Paul Salmon - rockin and a rollin, not happy but swum well

Chris Swainsbury - shaky Dave overcame the cold to play a blinder

Angi Greneski - she was worried about the cold, Oh really ! Good job

Mike Longman - Well as forest gump would say " I just woke up one morning
and just swam n swam.......... "

Coach Rog - Let's just say the curry done its job !

On Thursday, we are going out to sea with a fisherman to be dropped in some
way out and then swim our way back to land, wish us luck we may be some